P. 7

What is Dayaa Satakam?

Dayaa Satakam by Swami Nikamantha Maha Desikan also known as
Swami Vedantha Desikan, on Grace, (mercy –anukambai {in
Sanskrit}) is defined as supreme Goddess even above Bhoomi Pratty,
Neela Devi, and even Maha Lakshmi the chief consort of Lord, who
is Swayam Vyaktha (in Sanskrit), self manifest in Thirumala. In the
entire shlokas Dayaa is portrayed as superior to all Gunas of Lord
because of her qualities mentioned in the 10 decades (of 10 shlokas

The 10 sets of shlokas in Dayaa Satakam (each set reflects message
conveyed by 10 sets of 10 Shlokas of ThiruvAiyMozhi by
NammAzhvAr) convey clearly 10 statements as defined by Srirama
Desikachar Swami, about Lord of Thiruvenkatam. Adiyen is
mentioning those 10 statements in a simplified way for everyone’s

    1. Only Lord of Thirumalai can grant us all Moksham.
    2. He is all in all and can do whatever He wishes to do.
    3. If you surrender to him through Saranagathi, He will protect you.
    4. He is the means for achieving all goals set by anyone.
    5. He is the Result of all worthwhile endeavors.
    6. One can reach him very easily through Prapathi.
    7. He will help anyone who asks for it irrespective of Jathi, Kulam, and

    8. He is Supreme.
    9. Rama and Krishna are incarnations of Sri Srinivasa of Thirumalai.
    10. Only He can offer us happiness associated with Moksha, right here on this


Dayaa Satakam glorifies the Dayaa GuNa of Sri Srinivasa PerumAL of
Thirumalai with a character Dayaa Devi who protects Jeevathmas,
also known as chEthanams (sen·tient - able to perceive or feel


                        Daya Satakam
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